The relationship between Jews and non-Jews has often been very difficult and problematic. We are going to study this relationship throughout history, especially the relationship between Christianity and Judaism in the past and present.

To understand the relationship between the Church and Judaism, we first look at the relationship between Jews and non-Jews before Christianity. The study material therefore begins with a description of the relationship between Jews and non-Jews as we find it in the First Testament and in the Antique World.

We analyze the relationship between Jews and non-Jews at the time of the Second Testament, the relationship in Jewish writings, and the consequences of the Jewish revolts.

Then, for each period of European history, we look at the relationship between Jews and Christians: during the Early Church, with the Church Fathers, in the Middle Ages, during the Reformation, during the Enlightenment, and in the 19th and 20th centuries. Attention is also paid to Zionism, and to the anti-Semitic legend of the "Sacrament of Miracle".